Welcome! You have now completed your registration and are a member of Clowns International. 

We hope you enjoy being part of this fantastic club and look forward to meeting you in person at one of our events some time in the future.

You will be added to our newsletter database, so keep an eye on your inbox for this. In the meantime you can download the latest CI Joey Yearbook & CI Logo at this link https://www.clownsinternational.com/downloads/ feel free to add this logo to your website or promotional material.

In order for us to forward a membership pack for new members please fill out the form below, this will be emailed to secretary@clownsinternational.com 

Please note we don’t sell or share your information, we only retain your information for Clowns International business & The Clowns’ Benevolent Fund Limited. By joining Clowns International you give us this permission for General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) under UK Laws.


    And finally, don’t forget if you are on social media join us at:

    Thank you and keep clowning,
    Regards Deanna “Dee Dee” Hartmier
    Chair of Clowns International